Doing your Homework before Choosing a Mobile Casino

Playing slots on your smartphone or betting roulette tables on the tablet is the next era of online casino. The way we play casinos is changing, so the way in which we pursue them should also change. is one of the latest review portals for slot games and gambling sites to start getting serious about doing their homework. I'm not talking History, English Literature or Mathematics, I'm talking about trusted mobile casinos for smartphones and tablets. Betting apps are the next frontier for real cash wagering, and Slotsquad want the best ones. But not just for themselves, for us as well.

It was this aspect of Slotsquad that got me interested; it could take weeks if not months trawling through the internet to find trusted mobile casinos for smartphone and tablet devices. Where do you begin? How do you assess whether a site is reputable or not? How much money do you have to spend to find out these questions? The Squad as they call themselves don't spend anything, what they do is test the water before swimming, they look at payout rates before paying in. It dawned upon me that had found the best method for locating mobile casinos that we can trust. By reviewing winners lists and payout rate information.

It's important to know that some shadow sites and new independent casino operators are not displaying payout rates, and around 30% of these new mobile casinos don't have winners lists to hand. Slotsquad begins their homework by rooting these channels specifically, so we don't have to. The time saved by what Slotsquad is doing is phenomenal, it leaves us to get one with most important aspect of mobile casino, playing. The mobile casinos recommended by are some of the most trusted betting apps for tablets and smartphones available. The results of doing your homework I guess or someone else doing it anyway.